Tuesday, December 29, 2009
So we just switched Lucy into her big girl bed! She loves to play on it. More random pictures of Lucy and her goofiness.

We had a very busy Christmas as well as the days before. We spent some time with Brian's family before and Lucy got some great books and presents from her great aunts and uncles. Christmas eve we spent with Brian's parents and his extended family. We basically woke up and left. Lucy got some awesome toys and an apron to match mommy when she helps me in the kitchen. Later we went to Brian's grandparents and Lucy took a great nap which allowed us to talk and catch up with family. Christmas day we opened our presents here in the morning and then packed up to head over to my parent's house to meet up with Zac, Jen, and Keanan. Lucy got even more presents especially the drawing table and container of dress-up clothes. We had to spend the next day reorganizing the house to fit all of Lucy's stuff.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
So I am getting ready to start my 7th month of this pregnancy! Yeah! It is starting to go by a little bit faster now. With that comes a lot more nerve pain in my back, butt, and legs. Thank goodness for heated seats in my car because for right now that is helping with the nerve pain. Lucy is getting so big! She is such a babbler. She goes on and on about nothing in particular. The funniest part is when she throws her fits and closes her eyes really tight and fakes it. It is the funniest face. We are going to start taking away her pacifier over winter break. She only uses it at night so hopefully it will work out okay. Christmas break is almost here!! A much deserved 2 week break! Woohoo! Brian and I are getting back into the house building process. It is looking good do far, we just have to wait for our house to sell. I think that is about it for now. Pictures to come later!
Monday, November 30, 2009
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!
So we went up to the mountains to get our tree this year. We had a great time after we proceeded to get stuck in the snow and had to abandon our car! Not a big deal though. There were lots of people there to help us out. Here is the finished product...
We are working with Lucy to make sure she is gentle with the ornaments and so far she is doing really well!

Monday, November 23, 2009
Short Week!
Yeah for the short week! We only have to get to Wednesday and then we are off for Thanksgiving Break. It is a well deserved break. Plans for this week are going to include Brian's family for Thanksgiving, Friday shopping with mom and Elizabeth followed by hanging out with my family, Saturday heading up to the mountains to get our Christmas tree and hopefully play in the snow! It is going to be a great break!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Okay so you would think that taking Independent Living (Home Ec) would be an easy class to get an A in. I guess not!! It kills me that I have students who wait until the very last minute to turn in their assignments, and in turn they turn in work that is crappy and doesn't even pass. We are at the point where we are cooking every week and the one criteria that I have is that they cannot have any missing work or incomplete work out. Out of my five classes the most students that I have eligible to cook in their labs this week is 10! Out of 30 that is horrible!! What is with kids these days? They just don't care about their grades and passing classes! Sorry for the venting session!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
So I haven't actually done any updating on here lately. So far the second little girl is cooking good! Lot's of movement which unfortunately is on my bladder. That works out well during school! Lucy is growing like a weed and learning so many new words. Lately we have been seeing some terrible two temper tantrums come up, but they are always random. We are still working on selling the house and looking for a bigger one. The house has been on the market for a month so we are not worried about the time-line. Other than that we are pretty boring. Lucy is our entertainment for the most part and you can imagine how entertaining that really is!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Silly girl!
Monday, November 2, 2009
So we are officially the sick family. Brian is fighting a cough and stomach problems, Lucy is fighting a cough, a runny nose, and of course the crankiness of a toddler, and mommy is fighting a cough, runny nose, and a pregnancy! It is at this point where I want to crawl in bed and sleep forever!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It's official!!
We are having another GIRL! I had my big ultrasound today and Brian and I were honestly hoping for a boy to make things even, but girl is good in my book! One downfall is that my sister and I don't get to switch baby clothes since she had a boy first and is now having a girl. Oh well. Now to try and think of names...to think I was already with a boy name!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lucy's Money
So Lucy is now enrolled in the GET Program to start saving money for college AND the UPromise program that is FREE and gives money into an account for her for college. My plan is that we are going to do our best to put all of this money together and then have Lucy get a full-ride scholarship so we don't have to use it!! Genius!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So right now Lucy and Brian are downstairs singing her music songs and trying to jump. She is trying to imitate jumping while still watching the video. We have a multi-tasker on our hands!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Don't look at the light!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Ahhh the kids...
This video is of Keanan and Lucy playing together. It is difficult to actually get a whole video because they move so much! Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Feelin Good!!!
Lately I have been feeling so good and more energized. Thank goodness! I am starting my second trimester so hopefully things are turning around. Brian and I have decided that we are going to put our house on the market and look for a bigger house. We are excited about the whole process but, it definitely is a process! Lucy is doing rally good and we are getting better and better about using her potty chair!! Yeah for no more diapers! School is going really good. I am really excited about this group of students even though my classes are so full! Pictures will be coming I promise.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
School has begun!
Wow! So school started this week and I am tired! However the good thing is that I have so many polite students this year. It is a big change from last year and the numerous discipline problems that I had. My classes are mostly overloaded but right now it is not making that much of a difference. I am just happy that the nausea has gone away so I can make it through the school day!
On that note, Baby Johnson is doing really good. I had a doctor appointment last week and baby is looking right on target. I am almost done with the first trimester thank goodness! I am also getting to the point where I can't wear my regular clothes anymore. Sad!
Lucy has been moved from her crib to a toddler bed and she slept the whole night in bed last night!!! The night before I woke up to find her sleeping on the floor. Oh well! She is growing like a bean. She had her last check-up and she weighed 26lbs and 2ft 9in. I guess she is going to be really tall. She must take after her father! All for now, more to come later!
On that note, Baby Johnson is doing really good. I had a doctor appointment last week and baby is looking right on target. I am almost done with the first trimester thank goodness! I am also getting to the point where I can't wear my regular clothes anymore. Sad!
Lucy has been moved from her crib to a toddler bed and she slept the whole night in bed last night!!! The night before I woke up to find her sleeping on the floor. Oh well! She is growing like a bean. She had her last check-up and she weighed 26lbs and 2ft 9in. I guess she is going to be really tall. She must take after her father! All for now, more to come later!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Oh Chocolate!
So Lucy has never really shown an interest in chocolate very much. She almost always goes for fruit or something like that if she wants something sweet. Then came Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Mat. Well Aunt Elizabeth has strict instructions to feed Lucy as much chocolate as she wants. So, the other day when we were at my mom's house, Lucy received numerous chocolate presents. Well I guess Lucy now realizes what chocolate is and has decided that she does like it hence the pudding!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Enough Already!
I really cannot wait to be done being sick! This is sucking all of my energy, stamina, and plain old drive to do anything away. I feel bad for Brian and Lucy because I am a slacker on the household stuff and dinners are severely suffering! Just please go away!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
No More Time...
So my summer classes have started up for school. Let me clarify, this is Summer Institute that us teachers in the Bethel School District have to go to before school starts. They can be really interesting classes or they can be utterly boring. Well my class for today was canceled because the instructor forgot. So the decision has to be made: Go to my mom's and get Lucy, or work at home child free. Number 2 please! Being as I am not feeling well today, it has been nice to sit down at a computer and get my schedule ready for school. I have so many new ideas for this school year but it is also bringing up the problem of time. I swear I need more time to get things done in a school day as well as a regular day. I am also planning in my maternity leave and it is showing me that I am really going to miss a lot of school. What to do, what to do.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So going through this whole construction loan process as well as trying to sell our house AND being pregnant and sick is rough!! The property that we were really interested in turned out to not work because the realtor does not have accurate info! Grr. So we have a new piece of property that we are looking at and we are praying that things go well. There are so many things that we have to do to our current house to get it ready to sell so that is also taking up so much time and effort and brain power! Oh and let's not forget the fact that I am nauseous all day long. Yuck. It is definitely going to get more stressful as school starts up and the construction begins. One day at a time I suppose!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
So hectic!
So within the last week my brother-in-law has lost his right leg below the knee to a motorcycle accident, I have been sick to my stomach every day, and we have bought property and are building a house on it! Yikes! The sick part is due to the fact that I am pregnant for those of you that I have not gotten around to telling or if you haven't heard from some of my family. Things are utter chaos, but it is all very exciting! Brian and I cannot wait for the new house and new baby (please be a boy!)!
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Pacifier!
So effective this morning I am attempting to wean Lucy off of her pacifier. Jennifer gave me the idea of cutting a slit through the end so that they still use it but they don't get what they want! Lucy just went down for her first nap and after a little crying she is asleep. I wonder if it is working!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Lucy's New Favorite Look
Monday, July 13, 2009
Home Again!
Well, I am NOT a fan of flying! The trip down to Atlanta was good, but the flight back was horrible! Very turbulent and a rough landing. The conference however was a good thing and I have a lot of new ideas that I am going to be implementing for the next school year. Overall, a success!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Off and Away!
So I am packing right now for my trip to Atlanta Georgia! I will be there tomorrow until Saturday for a school conference. I am looking forward to the trip, not so much the actual flight or to be away from Lucy and Brian though. Please keep me in your thoughts as I try to navigate myself around so I don't get lost!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
EA Fitness
Okay so this is day 4 of using the new game EA Fitness for the Wii and I have to say that I am impressed. My body hurts in different places and it definitely is giving me an additional workout other than the elliptical. Thank goodness for technology and its new ways to get us in shape!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Welcome to the Johnson Blog!
We have now entered into the technology world! As soon as Ann figures out how to do this, you can expect to see some cool things here! Check back later!
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