Saturday, March 13, 2010

1 Week Old!

Well Kate is officially 1 week old! It is amazing how time goes really fast. Her first week was a little traumatic for us. We had her doctor's appointment where we were told to take her back to the hospital. Okay to hear that I went to melt-down mode. Our doctor was concerned about her color and weight. She dropped almost 10% of her birth-weight in the first few days so she was down in the 5lb range. With that the doctor was concerned about her color and jaundice. So we took her to the hospital and then made an appointment to the lactation consultant at the hospital to really see how much she was eating. Come to find out that her jaundice levels are fine but she was having a very difficult time eating. So we are working with her on eating and as of Friday she is back to her birth weight! Yeah!! Other than that, big sister Lucy loves Kate! She is always taking to her and giving her kisses. It has been a challenge this week to be on my own with these two but Lucy and I are staying busy by cooking! She loves to help me cook and wash dishes. More pictures to come later!

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