Saturday, May 8, 2010

More going-ons..

So today I am officially 28. Brian asked me this morning if I felt older and not really. I feel more in shape now than before and things are going great. I am going back to school on monday and I am really excited. I have missed my classroom so much. A lot of my staff members don't understand why I am coming back already. It has been two months since Kate was born, she is bottle-fed and she will be with Grandma. I am not worried one bit and plus I really miss my big kids!

So Kate had her 2 month check up the other day. She is 11 1/2 lbs and about 24 inches long. Compared to Lucy she is 2 lbs lighter and the same length. So basically I grow tall girls! She got a couple shots which she did not like of course but overall things went well.

Brian and I have decided to start looking into what it might take to add on to the house on both sides instead of moving. We have done so much work on this house and property that it would be sad to move. So if we can get more space then we will stay here for the long haul. Well we are heading off to the park to play and relax. More to come later!

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